•Para 1 How was your potluck prediction right or wrong.
it was wrong because I wrote that Maria Isabel was going to leave the baby for Enrique's family and run off with another guy.
•After reading today’s reading my potluck prediction was wrong because of Enrique got in a fight with his mother and that kind of changed his way and started saving his money instead of wasting it because he wants to send more money to Honduras for his daughter.
•By comparing my potluck prediction to today's reading, I discovered that my prediction was wrong because Maria Isabel didn’t leave their daughter for another guy.
•Para 2 Where does this take place?
The story takes place in both the united states and Honduras.
Who were the main people involved, how do they effect Enrique's journey?
The main people involved were Enrique's mother, grand mother, Maria Isabel, belky, and his daughter. His mother effected by teaching him what he was doing was wrong and that influenced him to quit sniffing glue and drinking.
•Para 3 the reading started when Enrique hit rock bottom and started to sniff glue. Then he got in a fight with his mother and he left his mothers house to go think about stuff. After that he got pulled over for going to fast and having an open container in his car. later then he goes to jail. Then he had to pay a fine. Then he starts to do better for himself and his family in the US and Honduras
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