•What motivates Enrique to stay in the united states? What things make him wish to return Honduras?
He stays in the united states because him and his mother get along and she persuades him to stay.
•What factors cause conflict between Enrique and his mother? How do they seek to overcome these factors?
The conflict is caused because Enrique feels he had no mother, his true mother was his grandmother. Then they talk about how his life was back in Honduras.
•Contrast Enrique’s life in the united states with his life he left behind.
Enrique’s life is better now because he didn’t have what he has in Honduras. At first it wasn't so great but he started to get better with time, but it was better than Honduras.
•How do you feel when Maria Isabel leaves Honduras? I felt like she should have left because it was bad in Honduras for her,
but I felt like she shouldn’t have left her daughter behind.
•Once reunited, how does Enrique’s relationship with Maria Isabel progress?
He slows down on the drugs and drinking for her.
•What conflicts arise between Maria Isabel and Enrique’s family?
The conflicts that arise between Maria Isabel and Enrique's family was
•How does the book end as it began?
The book ended as it began because it started a cycle, now Enrique’s daughter is left alone in Honduras and she soon will make the journey to be with her family in the united states.
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